
In Yuoku, Creatures are fantastical type of forms with unique abilities and characteristics. Trainers capture and train these Creatures to compete in battles, complete missions, and embark on various adventures. In Yuoku, the primary role of Creatures is to complete assigned missions, continually grow stronger, and form a vital part of the Trainer's team in battles. As they participate in various missions, they gain experience, enhancing their power and contributing to the Trainer's overall strength. Each Creature begins at Level 1 and requires 500 experience to advance to Level 2. As the Creature levels up, the experience needed for each subsequent level increases by 5 points.

Creature States

Creatures are born in the default state and there are no positive or negative effects on them. However, as a result of some missions, this default effect may change to some other effects. These are: 1. Injured -> You cannot send an injured Creature on any mission for 72 hours. You can shorten this time with items such as Bandages! 2. Blessed -> A Creature in Blessed status gains twice as much experience from missions for 7 days. 3. Cursed -> A Creature in Cursed status loses twice as much experience from missions for 7 days.

Rarity Tiers

Our system categorizes Creatures into the following rarities in ascending order: 1. Legendary: The supply of each Legendary Creature is 20. 2. Epic: The supply of each Epic Creature is 40. 3. Rare: The supply of each Rare Creature is 80. 4. Common: The supply of each Common Creature is 120.

Shiny Variants

Occasionally, some Creatures appear in their Shiny versions. These Shiny variants differ only in their color palette. However, owning a Shiny Creature is a coveted achievement for any Trainer, representing one of their ultimate dreams.

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