Shuffle Details

Season I Creatures Shuffle

Yuoku Creatures will be available for purchase in four different packages. Let's start with total supply: Total Creatures: 2180 1 Legendary Creature - Total Supply: 20 4 Epic Creatures - Each Supply: 40 7 Rare Creatures - Each Supply: 80 12 Common Creatures - Each Supply: 120

Package Options

One-Creature Package Total Supply: 580 / / Price: 65Ⱥ Two-Creature Package Total Supply: 300 / / Price: 120Ⱥ Three-Creature Package Total Supply: 200 / / Price: 165Ⱥ Four-Creature Package Total Supply: 100 / / Price: 200Ⱥ *Whitelisted users will be able to buy a One-Creature Package at the price of 50Ⱥ. There is no correlation between Package sizes and rarity. This means that you have the same chance of getting a Legendary Creature from a One-Creature Package or a Four-Creature Package.

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